Archives: Captivate Podcasts
#7 – Erin Trone shares how Trader Joe’s came to town
How does an Assistant Manager make a case to buy an empty department story in a declining retail area, raze it to the ground and find a buyer? How does that buyer become a Trader Joe’s? It takes a team with vision, willingness to step up to the plate, and steady nerves. Erin Trone came […]
#6 – Let data into the game! A conversation with Bradley Gotshall
Today we talk with Bradley Gotshall about why he is invested in the profession of municipal management and what makes him excited about the future. Hint: he sees the possibilities for technology to increase effectiveness in delivery of services, outreach to community and efficiency within the organization. With so few young professionals in the pipeline, […]
#5 – Marita Kelley – Public Servant, servant leader
Marita Kelley recently retired from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development where she most recently served as regional director and deputy executive director at the Governor’s Center for Local Government Services. She has a distinguished career as a leader in public service with a focus, but the most important thing to know about […]
#4 – Ed Knittel on learning, change and engagement in local government.
Ed Knittel has been thinking about education and local government for decades and he shares his insights on the future of education and how we might apply new ideas about education to the challenges we are facing in local government. Engagement is a constant theme in our conversation. This conversation is particularly well-suited for young […]
#3 – Urgent! Update on the status of emergency management today
One of the key topics we are addressing this year in the Pioneering Change Community is emergency management. Today we have professionals in the field of research, emergency services and emergency management with us to share their perspectives on what good process looks like, why mitigation efforts are often left behind and the challenge of […]
#2 – Bev Cigler on research and emerging skills for local gov’t managers
Bev Cigler, Ph.D., is a Penn State Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Administration, Emerita. She specializes in intergovernmental relations, focusing on state-local relations and state and local policy, politics, and management. Much of her published work has received national and state funding and includes more than 175 peer reviewed articles and book chapters, several […]
#1 – Jeffrey Stonehill on managing a full service Borough
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to manage a municipality that provides its own electric service? Although a modest sized Borough of nearly 21,000, Chambersburg, located in Franklin County Pennsylvania delivers a full complement of utility, emergency, parks and recreation and a host of other municipal services, but that is not what makes my guest Jeffrey Stonehill so unique. His well honed ideas about municipal management are both traditional and original. He is a change agent who values hierarchy and structure.