#21 – Women Who Lead with Amy Farkas, Nicole Beckett, Centrice Martin, Dr. Bev Cigler and Erin Trone

Posted by: on November 18th, 2022

Today on the podcast I have five articulate women guests. Together, they represent different generations and different experiences of work.

They share how early life experiences have formed their ideas of leadership. They talk about the importance of support in their environment and in particular, what it means to have other women and men pave the road ahead. We close the show with thoughts about conversations we need to have with men and other women. I think the last ten minutes of the show offers clues to where we want to take this conversation next. Will you be a part of it?


So let’s get down to it. My guests today include Dr. Beverly Cigler, professor emerita from Penn State, she has been on this podcast before and we are always lucky to have her. Amy Farkas, Township Manager at Harris Township in the Centre County region, is new past president of APMM and we learned in pre-show talks that Dr. Cigler remembers her outstanding grad school project on community engagement; Centrice Martin is manager of Ferguson Township, also in the Centre County region and is also an advisor to this Pioneering Change Community; Nicole Beckett is a Local Government Advocate and Associate Director for Public Service at the Meyner Center at Lafayette College; and Erin Trone is Assistant Township Manager at Lower Allen Township in Cumberland County and also serves as an advisor to the Pioneering Change Community. You can find out more information on our guests below in our show notes.

I am your host, Nancy Hess and I created PCC Local Time Podcast to start conversations among friends and colleagues in this professional field we call local government.


Dr. Bev Cigler, PhD., Professor Emerita, Penn State University

Amy Farkas, Manager, Harris Township

Centrice Martin, Manager, Ferguson Township

Nicole Beckett, Associate Director for Public Service at the Meyner Center at Layfayette College

Erin Trone, Assistant Manager, Lower Allen Township

About Nancy J. Hess

I help leaders pioneer extraordinary change through high engagement and whole systems approaches that focus on HR and People.