Whether you are an emerging professional interested in making an impact in your community or someone who wishes to engage the questions and be a better steward for local government today, this is a podcast to satisfy appetites for deeper understanding of what it takes to manage in this challenging environment today. If you would like to get weekly updates from conversations inside the Pioneering Change Community, sign up HERE.
Pragmatism and process can lead to innovation in local government if we know how to listen and engage to bring issues forward.When I asked Ernie McNeely to interview with me, I told him I was curious about what is it like to manage a Township rich with history, academic institutions, and religious diversity. I was...
Community conversations happen all the time in various venues, but local government managers cannot take them for granted. When community engagement is waning, it is important to think about ways to bring people together. Tom Fountaine, municipal manager in State College, Pennsylvania, knows something about the challenges of community engagement. We discovered we share an...
SHOW NOTES ..What if a guy who has a vision for his community, hears about another guy who sounds just like him, and what if those two run into each one day in a barbershop…and what if, they happen to be from two different political parties, but decide to run together? This PCC Local Time...
If you are mystified by the process of obtaining grants for your local government, this episode is for you. This is a masterclass that will help you with your short and long game. Our guests today include Dr. Beverly Cigler, Professor Emerita at Penn State University in Public Policy and Administration begins our discussion with...
Matt Candland is the manager at Upper Moreland Township in Montgomery County Pennsylvania. In this episode he has a few things to say about collective bargaining laws for police and fire in Pennsylvania. He has a depth of understanding and skill for examining issues from multiple angles that not only makes him valuable in his...
All you have to do to get into a great conversation with Mark Stivers is ask him about the jobs he has held in his life. From Park Ranger to Addiction Counselor to Planner to Professional Manager, he has seen and experienced the world and brings his unique perspectives to his work. “You leave...
In this interview, Ken Battin allows me to tap into my curiosity about how emergency services intersect with municipal services and what role municipal managers play in supporting public safety. He emphasizes the importance of not relying on any one model but finding a model that works for your municipality. He shares an engaging approach...
Keith Hite spent a good part of his career at the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) and when we met in the late 90’s he had taken the helm as Executive Director. In this interview we talk about some of the challenges he faced during his leadership, not only with helping the organization...
Dan Zimmerman is a quintessential under-the-radar, always-assessing-potential kind of municipal manager. His career demonstrates the value of commitment to the long game and the outsized results that can come from investment in regionalization. He recently retired as manager of Warwick Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. His work speaks for itself. Over his career he has sheparded...
[Early Interview Series] Joe Mench was the first member interview I did when I created the Pioneering Change Community. There was a reason for that. The projects we worked on together represent a critical intersection of customer service, work culture and technology. Joe was the key internal partner to work with me on improving customer...